1: God’s Creation (God Made Everything)
6: Noah’s family and the Tower of Babel
9: The Lord’s Covenant with Abram – Land
11: God’s Covenant with Abraham – Circumcision
13: The Lord Destroys Sodom and Gomorrah
14: Abraham, Sarah and King Abimelech
17: Joseph’s Brothers Betray Him
20: God Saves the Israelites from Egypt
21: Israelites Crossing the Red Sea
22: God Provides Food and Water to the Israelites
24: Israelites Make a Golden Calf
25: Instructions for Sacrifices
26: Miriam & Aaron Criticize Moses
27: Moses Sends 12 Men to Spy Cannan
28: Israelites Capture the City of Jericho
29: Achan’s Sin and Israelites Defeat Ai
31: Samuel Anoints David as King
34: God’s Angelic Army Protects Elisha
36: Three Men Refuse to Worship the Tall Gold Statue
37: Daniel Thrown into the Lions’ den
39: John the Baptist Baptizes Jesus
46: Jesus Heals a Paralytic Man
47: Jesus calls Matthew the Tax Collector
48: Jesus Heals a Roman Centurion’s Servant
49: A Woman Washes Jesus’ Feet
50: Jesus Calms the Storm & Orders Bad Spirits Out
51: Bleeding Woman and Jairus’ Daughter
54: Pharisees Question Jesus’ Disciples
55: Jesus Casts an Evil Spirit out of a Boy
56: What to Do if a Believer Sins
57: Pharisees Bring an Adulterous Woman to Question Jesus
59: Jesus Sends the 72 Followers in Groups of two
60: How to Love God and People
61: Jesus Tells the Stories of a Lost Sheep, Lost Coin and Lost Son
62: Jesus Tells a Story about the Rich Man & Lazarus
63: Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead
66: The Last Supper (The Lord’s Supper)
69: Jewish Leaders Question Jesus
70: Pilate and Herod Question Jesus
73: Jesus Meets Two Followers on the Road to Emmaus
74: Jesus Appears to The Disciples
75: Jesus Commissions the Disciples and Goes to Heaven
78: Lame Man Healed & Peter, John Arrested
79: God Punishes Ananias & Sapphira for telling a lie
80: The Lord’s Angel frees the Apostles from prison
81: The Believers Choose Seven Men to help the Church
82: Stephen is Killed for preaching the Gospel
83: Philip and the Ethiopia Man
84: Saul’s Life is changed and Follows Jesus
85: Paul Preaches in Jerusalem
86: Jews accept the Salvation of the Gentiles
87: The Believers Plant Church in Antioch
88: Herod Persecutes the Apostles
90: Paul and Barnabas appoint Leaders for the Churches
94: The Lord frees Paul and Silas from prison
95: Paul and Silas go to Thessalonica and Berea
99: Paul teaches about Marriage
100: Paul teaches about the Lord’s Supper
101: Paul teaches about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
102: Paul teaches about Suffering
103: Paul is Imprisoned in Jerusalem
105: Christ and Church relationship as example for Husband and Wife
107: Striving to get God’s prize