2-by-2 Assistant



Cindy Knakal has been serving with DOOR International since the fall of 2014. As a hearing individual, Cindy supports Deaf Christian leaders in the U.S. by assisting with leadership training and establishing Deaf Chronological Bible Study (CBS) small groups. Cindy also supports the Deaf as they plant Deaf believers’ fellowships, and she teaches the hearing community about Deaf culture and DOOR’s methodology.

After losing her husband, George, in 2009 to a 19-year battle with cancer, Cindy earnestly sought the Lord’s guidance in the next chapter of her life. In 2013, Cindy felt that the Lord was presenting her with the opportunity to work with DOOR, and spent the next year raising support.

Cindy served as a missionary with the Deaf for 30 years at Island Christian Church, on Long Island, NY where she and the Deaf planted a Deaf church.

Your financial partnership with Cindy Knakal will provide critical support and resources for sign language Bible translation and Deaf church planting projects in the U.S. Please pray about how you might partner with Cindy in prayer, encouragement, and financial giving.

Want to know more? Check out some of Cindy’s newsletters below!