Rob and Arlene- Deaf 2-by-2



Rob works with fellow missionary Cindy Knakal to reach Deaf people in the United States for Christ. He is supported by his wonderful wife, Arlene.

As a Deaf 2-by-2 member, Rob leads/teaches CBS (Chronological Bible Study) groups. He also identifies Deaf Christian leaders, teachers, and evangelists, equipping and empowering them for ministry. Rob is shepherding the very first U.S. Deaf believers’ fellowship.

Prior to joining DOOR, both Rob and Arlene were deeply involved in Deaf ministry in their home state of North Carolina.

Your financial partnership with Rob will provide critical support and resources for sign language Bible translation and Deaf church planting projects. Please pray about how you might partner with the Wrights in prayer, encouragement, and financial giving.

Want to know more? Check out some of Rob’s newsletters below!