Our Creator God provided the gift of the tamarisk tree to offer shade and relief in a dry and parched land where there is no water. Generations of faithful believers still dwell under a shade tree and reflect on the God who sustains them in all circumstances.
So too, our Savior God sent His Son in a humble manger to bring everlasting life to all people. At least 40 million Deaf throughout the world don’t have access to a translation of the story about this baby born in a manger.
With your help this year end, DOOR can provide first-time access to translations of Luke 2 (the Christmas story) in four more sign languages.
Your gift given before January 1 will be matched by generous donors who desire to give more Deaf people access to God’s Word this Christmas.
Any first time donation, any increase to normal giving, or any donation from past donors that haven’t given in more than 13 months will receive the match.