Revival stirs among Nigerian Deaf

"It is as if there is a revival and hunger for God's Word among the Deaf here in Abia. I believe this is largely because Deaf leaders are teaching God's Word in Nigerian Sign Language."

Earnest prayers for revival and another “Great Awakening” can be heard in churches and pulpits throughout the U.S. Meanwhile, revival is reality for Deaf believers in Nigeria.

“I feel a lot of satisfaction every time we go into an area, meet Deaf people, and see the excitement on their faces as they receive God’s Word in their heart language (Nigerian Sign Language),” shares one of DOOR’s Deaf church planters.


It is such a joy to see how the Word of God is transforming Deaf people here in Abia.

Mr. and Mrs. Oyakilome recently shared their testimony with him:

Even though we have been married for almost ten years, we have never had an opportunity to understand marriage from a Christian perspective. Just recently, we watched Paul’s teaching on marriage in Nigerian Sign Language. DOOR’s church planter taught us what Paul is saying in Ephesians 5:21-33. The discussion was an eye-opener for my wife and I, and all the other Deaf couples present.

We are very happy to be learning from Deaf leaders that teach God’s Word directly from Nigerian Sign Language. Now more Deaf people are attending church and growing in their understanding of who God is. Many young people are receiving the Lordship of Jesus Christ as they become aware of their sins, and how sin leads to destruction.

It is as if there is a revival and hunger for God’s Word among the Deaf here in Abia. I believe this is largely because of teaching God’s word in Nigerian Sign Language by Deaf leaders. I praise God for allowing me to see what is happening among the Deaf here in Nigeria.