It was clear from the very beginning. We knew God wanted to do a special work among the Deaf in Aleta-Wondo.
Nur, Ethiopian Deaf 2-by-2 Tweet
Aleta-Wondo, located in southern Ethiopia, is home to approximately 110 Deaf people. There were no known efforts to reach this population when DOOR’s 2-by-2 team began their ministry. Two years later, there are three weekly Chronological Bible Study classes, two Deaf believers’ fellowships, and one Deaf-led church.
“The Bible in Ethiopian Sign Language is bearing fruit, [and] we are so privileged to see the impact first hand,” signs Nur, one of DOOR’s Deaf 2-by-2 leaders.
Reaching God seemed like an impossible task to Kidane before he met the 2-by-2 team. “Even though I went to the mosque all my life, I understood nothing about Islam,” he signs.
“I never learned anything about the Quran. I was told God lives very, very far away from human beings and was unreachable. I was told that I needed to practice good works so that perhaps Allah may be pleased with me.
“One day, I watched Bible passages about Noah in Ethiopian Sign Language. I saw a very big difference between Allah and God! I saw that God was relational, that He sent Jesus to restore my broken relationship with Him. I immediately knew I wanted that God.”
God is moving among the Deaf in Ethiopia. Deaf teams trained by DOOR are translating God’s Word into their heart sign language. Deaf church planters are sharing that sign language Scripture with unreached Deaf like Kidane. Most importantly, Deaf hearts are changing.