Changed by sign language Scripture

Even though he couldn’t hear them, Malunya knew when he was being made fun of. The jeering faces spoke louder than words ever could. For years this continued, until Malunya lost all confidence and signed as little as he possibly could.

door international uganda
(Representative photo)

It would’ve been easy for Malunya to become bitter, but his good-nature prevailed. He continued to help and serve others as he could. “Malunya was a good person,” signs Emmanuel, “but he had never given his life to Jesus Christ.”

Emmanuel and his teammate, Julius, comprise one of DOOR International’s Deaf 2-by-2 teams working in Uganda. The 2-by-2 teams use DOOR’s Chronological Bible Translations to share God’s Word with Deaf communities and begin Deaf believers’ fellowships.

Malunya instantly became curious when he met Emmanuel and Julius. There was something different about these Deaf men, something that set them apart. And, the sign language Bible DVDs they brought with them were unlike anything Malunya had ever seen.

“After several weeks of attending our Deaf believers’ fellowship, Malunya gave his life to Jesus Christ,” signs Emmanuel with joy. “Today he is one of the Deaf leaders that teaches Chronological Bible Studies and reaches out to Deaf children through our weekly school program.”

In a recent conversation with the 2-by-2 team, Malunya shared how God had transformed his life:

“Knowing about God in my heart language did something powerful to me. I think the Holy Spirit used the Bible in Ugandan Sign Language to change my heart and my mind. Now, I think differently, I understand many more things about God’s love and His plan for my life and all who accept Him.

“The Deaf will change as they learn God’s word in sign language.”


  • Pray that many more Deaf people in Entebbe will come to know Jesus Christ and His love for them.
  • Pray that God will keep the marriages of 2-by-2 members strong.
  • Pray these couples will continue to be a Godly model among the Deaf in Uganda.