Jesus loves the little children

buddiesIf you ever went to Vacation Bible School (VBS) as a child or Sunday School at your church, you are probably familiar with the song, “Jesus Loves the Little Children.”

Jesus loves the little children
All the children of the world
Red and yellow
Black and white
They are precious in His sight.
Jesus loves the children
Of the world.

Deaf children in Kenya are learning the truths of this song, but not at Sunday School or VBS. They are learning of Christ’s love through the Word of God, translated into Kenyan Sign Language by DOOR’s translation team, and used as teaching material in Deaf schools.

“It was encouraging to find out DOOR’s Bible DVD is freely available to the children,” says DOOR Africa’s Office Manager, Bonnie Ndungu. The Bible DVD contains God’s Word put into a format best understood by the Deaf: sign language.

In 2014, during the team’s first visit to this community, they had given teachers the DVD to help students learn Kenyan Sign Language. At that time, DOOR’s DVD was only used during religious education lessons. Today, the DVD has been fully integrated into teaching materials and embraced by the teaching staff.

“Children told us they watch during Christian education lessons, and other times, too. ‘We watch and practice the stories with our teacher,’ they told us.”

Help DOOR International provide outreach resources like the Bible DVD.