Deaf school report: Kilifi

DOOR-Africa staff made multiple visits to Deaf schools in Kilifi County earlier this year. An appointment in March led to three “mentoring” visits in the following weeks and months.

Each interaction confirmed Deaf leaders’ desire to help mentor and guide students at the Kibarani School for the Deaf.

door international_deaf student signingDuring signed Bible lessons, “The kids were keen and attentive. Everything was still apart from their eyes,” shares one DOOR staff member.

“One could clearly tell they were following and were excited.”

Much has changed at this school since DOOR first visited in 2014. Back then, teachers were skeptical of DOOR materials. Deaf students had difficulties communicating in Kenyan Sign Language.

Today, DOOR’s Chronological Bible Translation DVDs are part of the school’s religious curriculum and students watch the translations outside of class.

“There has been a paradigm shift…Our KSL Bible has become part and parcel of teaching material.”

Many Deaf children in Kenya attend residential Deaf schools. DOOR leaders collaborate with the national Deaf association, MDFK, to reach this population with God’s Word. In May, the partnering groups identified three regions outside of Nairobi that needed special attention.

“In all these areas…the Deaf tend to suffer a ‘double tragedy’ due to the lack of information, or because they can’t speak out. Hence, they suffer in silence,” signs one of the Deaf leaders.

“Not knowing the world confines them to a state of hopelessness. It is now in the schools that they are learning the Word of God.”

DOOR-Africa leaders are currently mentoring teachers and sharing sign language Scripture with students at two Deaf schools in Kilifi County. They hope to begin work in two more Deaf schools soon.


The ministry in Kilifi is new, but it is already changing young lives. One Deaf girl, an orphan, gave her life to Jesus after learning about Him through this outreach. She is graduating this year, and her biggest fear is that her “house parents” will never let her attend a Deaf church.

Will you surround this young woman in prayer?

  • Ask the Lord to strengthen and encourage her as she returns home.
  • Pray that her house parents will allow her to attend a Deaf church.
  • Pray that she will become a living testimony to those who knew her before she became a Christian.