Igniting Something New

Wondwosen recently visited a Deaf believers’ fellowship his team in Ethiopia was responsible for founding. His team started out with teaching a CBT class in that area for anyone who was interested. One specific attendee, a young Deaf man, was very passionate about the Bible passages he learned.

Once he completed the CBT class, he became one of the leaders for the believers’ fellowship, and the believers’ fellowship continue to prosper even though the 2-by-2 team isn’t as involved as they used to be. (Our 2-by-2 teams are actively involved in starting up fellowships and Deaf churches, but after a period of time, when they recognize spiritual growth and maturity in the local leaders, they will step back to allow the ministry to grow organically under the leadership of the local Deaf people.)

This is the beauty of the 2-by-2 ministry. Our teams go out into different areas of the country, identifying and training potential Deaf leaders. Some of them go on to do greater things, taking on the mantle of ministry in their hometowns.

This specific young man shared with Wondwosen that when the 2-by-2 team provided training for him, it was a breakthrough for him. “I am so grateful that the team saw in me what I couldn’t see. You saw in me an ability to lead others. It was a new perspective for me, because growing up, I believed I couldn’t do anything, much less lead, because I am Deaf. Your encouragement and training has equipped me to lead this believers’ fellowship now. You were responsible for breaking down the misconceptions about deafness I’ve had my whole life, and ignited in me something new.”

This leader also pointed out two other potential Deaf leaders in his area for the 2-by-2 team to train and equip in the same manner. Praise the Lord for lasting transformation!