Kamwara is a Deaf leader from Samburu, a very remote area in Kenya. When she was growing up, she believed that only hearing people could lead and teach.
“I had never met a Deaf Christian leader or teacher. When I first attended DOOR’s leadership training, I was deeply touched by seeing so many Deaf leaders. The opportunity to learn God’s Word from Deaf leaders impacted me even more.”
Now, my passion for serving God has been raised to a new level. After watching Paul Njatha’s teaching about faith, I am convinced God wants to do great things through Deaf leaders.
Paul Njatha, the campus director for DOOR Africa, facilitated the leadership training sessions. He helped Kamwara understand that what the world sees as a limitation can actually be an avenue for faith to become a testimony.
“Deaf people face many challenges, but I think God wants our faith to rise above them,” signed Kamwara. “I believe God wants to use the faith Deaf people have in Him to change the many Deaf hearts who do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ.”
Inspired by Unyielding Faith
During the training, Paul showed the group the Bible passage about the paralyzed man who was brought to Jesus by his four friends in Kenyan Sign Language. This story is found in Mark 2:1-12, and the four friends were challenged by the crowd around the house where Jesus was. But their faith pushed through the obstacles and they wrecked the roof in their pursuit of healing for their friend.
Mark 2:1-12 in Kenyan Sign Language
“This particular story has transformed my understanding of faith. The four friends’ unyielding faith brought much praise and glory to God,” shared Kamwara.
“My involvement in DOOR’s leadership training program allowed me to interact with the many Deaf leaders here. Learning about faith from a Deaf leader over the last two days is enough motivation for me to return home and teach God’s Word to the Deaf people in my area.”
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