Francois Ndikumasabo has been working in Burundi for a long time in the 2-by-2 ministry. Our Africa 2-by-2 coordinator, Benard Thuku, asked him what his biggest takeaway was from his years of work among the Deaf of Burundi.
Francois looked at Benard and signed, “I think seeing the different ways God impacts people’s lives is a major one. But one particular result of this ministry is one that I feel most deeply.
“Here in Gitega, I see relationships being restored as a result of God’s working in people’s lives. When we first came here, we saw so much divsion, hatred and separation among the Deaf people in the community here. People couldn’t sit together and enjoy fellowship because of the gossip and slander that ran amok, sowing chaos.
“We started to teach the Gospel to the Deaf, and we slowly saw lives and relationships being transformed right in front of our eyes. The only way I can explain it is that the Deaf people truly took the lessons about God being love to their hearts. They’re taking God’s love and transforming it into love for their fellow men and women, loving their neighbors as they love themselves.