From Confusion to Clarity

Epidu attended a believers’ fellowship and watched all the other Deaf people give their testimonies, then stood up and shared this: “I don’t understand. This doesn’t match what my parents taught me.”

Epidu was a Jehovah’s Witness, and was raised in this faith by his parents. He started asking many questions in the fellowship. He was confused and a bit resistant to the Gospel message. His parents had ordered him to learn the Jehovah’s Witness ways and to ignore Christians. But Epidu was curious.

Ochuli, our Ugandan 2-by-2 leader, told him that his questions were important, and that he was more than happy to sit down with Epidu the day after the fellowship to answer all his questions. Epidu went home, and came back the next day. He asked questions all afternoon and evening, finally coming to an understanding he had never achieved before. Getting answers to all of his doubts in his heart language, sign language, broke through his confusion and gave him clarity. He is open to learning more. Please pray that he would come to accept Christ over time.