Tanzania: God stirs Next Gen Deaf

Tanzania holds an estimated Deaf population of 500,000 people. DOOR International is working diligently with partners to reach all of them for Christ. Deaf translators working with DOOR produced a Chronological Bible Translation in Tanzanian Sign Language in 2014, and Deaf 2-by-2 teams have been working here since 2012.

One of the team members recently signed this update:

It is very exciting to be part of what God is doing among the Deaf children in Tanzania. Growing up as a Deaf person, I never once saw God’s Word in my heart language. I concluded God is not interested in Deaf people knowing Him and His ways. This changed much later when I became an adult, but I know it is still a big challenge for many Deaf children.


Very few Deaf kids ever get to see or learn about God’s love in ways they best understand. When I started working with DOOR as a Deaf church planter and evangelist, God began opening doors for us to go into Deaf schools.


As I share God’s Word in Tanzanian Sign Language and show Deaf children portions of the sign language Bible, I am deeply touched by their responses. They always want more; they are always attentive as they watch God’s Word, and they are always asking questions that prove they understand.

This is a new awakening. God is raising a generation of Deaf children that know God's love because Scripture is made available to them in their heart language.


  • Praise God for the Bible in Tanzanian Sign Language!
  • Pray for the Deaf children who are learning about the Savior who died for them.
  • Ask the Lord to bless Deaf 2-by-2 church planting teams as they make Him known in Tanzania.
  • Pray for continued growth at a newly planted Deaf church.
DOOR Tanzania_Next Gen watching CBT