Tanzania holds an estimated Deaf population of 500,000 people. DOOR International is working diligently with partners to reach all of them for Christ. Deaf translators working with DOOR produced a Chronological Bible Translation in Tanzanian Sign Language in 2014, and Deaf 2-by-2 teams have been working here since 2012.
One of the team members recently signed this update:
It is very exciting to be part of what God is doing among the Deaf children in Tanzania. Growing up as a Deaf person, I never once saw God’s Word in my heart language. I concluded God is not interested in Deaf people knowing Him and His ways. This changed much later when I became an adult, but I know it is still a big challenge for many Deaf children.
Very few Deaf kids ever get to see or learn about God’s love in ways they best understand. When I started working with DOOR as a Deaf church planter and evangelist, God began opening doors for us to go into Deaf schools.
As I share God’s Word in Tanzanian Sign Language and show Deaf children portions of the sign language Bible, I am deeply touched by their responses. They always want more; they are always attentive as they watch God’s Word, and they are always asking questions that prove they understand.
This is a new awakening. God is raising a generation of Deaf children that know God's love because Scripture is made available to them in their heart language.
Tanzanian 2-by-2 team member Tweet
- Praise God for the Bible in Tanzanian Sign Language!
- Pray for the Deaf children who are learning about the Savior who died for them.
- Ask the Lord to bless Deaf 2-by-2 church planting teams as they make Him known in Tanzania.
- Pray for continued growth at a newly planted Deaf church.